6,696 open source UI components
for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

ALDColorBlindEffect screenshot


July 28, 2014 • BSD License
See how people with color-blindness experience your App.
BMYCircularProgressPullToRefresh screenshot


July 20, 2014 • BSD License
Pull to fresh with circular progress view as used in the Beamly iOS app. This version of the pull to refresh feature can be used both on UITableViews and UICollectionViews and it has been inspir...
ISHPermissionKit screenshot


July 18, 2014 • BSD License
A unified way for iOS apps to request user permissions. This framework provides a unified way of asking for user permissions on iOS. It also provides UI to explain the permission requirements b...
HRColorPicker screenshot


June 17, 2014 • BSD License
RColorPicker is a lightweight color picker for iOS that's easy to use for both users and developers. http://hayashi311.github.io/Color-Picker-for-iOS/
No image provided.


June 07, 2014 • BSD License
a collection view layout + cell that can do something percent driven ( parallax for image + custom) A collection view layout and a cell subclass usefull to made parallax of an image during the s...
CZWeatherKit screenshot


June 05, 2014 • BSD License
CZWeatherKit is a simple, extensible weather library for iOS and OS X that allows for easy downloading of weather data from various weather services.
No image provided.


June 03, 2014 • BSD License
A super-cool collection view cell and layout inspired by http://capptivate.co/2014/01/18/timbre-2/
PJR-NSString-Category screenshot


May 29, 2014 • BSD License
An NSString Category which lets you perform many string operations in your application. * String validation. * Email validation. * Phone validation. * URL validation. * Add or remove substri...
GRNavigationController screenshot


May 23, 2014 • BSD License
Simple navigation controller for OS X apps.
MPPlot screenshot


May 20, 2014 • BSD License
Graphs for iOS, easy to use, customizable and animatable!
LPlaceholderTextView screenshot


May 06, 2014 • BSD License
UITextView subclass with placeholder text
AppearanceMaker screenshot


April 28, 2014 • BSD License
Create custom appearances to customize your app's look with NSAppearance
PAPreferences screenshot


April 26, 2014 • BSD License
An easy way to store user preferences using NSUserDefaults.
LASIImageView screenshot


April 24, 2014 • BSD License
iOS UIImageView subclass - download image with different progress indicators
DigitClock screenshot


April 08, 2014 • BSD License
It`s just a simple and flat Digital Clock.
FBShimmeringView screenshot


March 29, 2014 • BSD License
An easy way to add a simple shimmering effect to any view in an iOS app, which is particularly useful as an unobtrusive loading indicator.
GTTranslationAPI screenshot


March 27, 2014 • BSD License
GoogleTranslationAPI is an Objective-C wrapper for calling the Google Translate API v2.
BFNavigationBarDrawer screenshot


March 26, 2014 • BSD License
A UIToolbar subclass that can easily be displayed below a UINavigationBar, similarly to the playlist view in the Music app.
ADLivelyCollectionView screenshot


March 25, 2014 • BSD License
ADLivelyCollectionView brings custom animations to UICollectionView. The library comes with pre-defined animations. They are here mainly for demo purposes and we encourage you design your own, i...
FinderSyrahUI screenshot


March 18, 2014 • BSD License
An experiment showing how Finder might look like on the next OSX.