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A simple library to perform binary search to find the nearest double/float value from a double/float array for a given double/float.
OverviewThis cocoapod helps to find the nearest ceiling double/float value from a double/float array by performing a binary search operation.
Requirements- ARC
- iOS8
SHBinarySearchForRange is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "SHBinarySearchForRange"
``` #import "SHBinarySearchForRange.h"
NSArray *array = @[@0.12f, @0.23f, @0.3f, @0.345f, @0.967f, @1.0f];
SHBinarySearchForRange *binarySearch = [[SHBinarySearchForRange alloc] initWithValues:array];
NSInteger index = [binarySearch indexOfClosestCeilingForSearchItem:10.67575f];
NSNumber *valAtIndex = [array objectAtIndex:index];
NSLog(@"Value close to range: %f", valAtIndex.doubleValue); ```
Share feedbacks and ideas to improve this project, I would love to hear them out. I would also greatly appreciate if you follow me on @shabib_hossain.