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RichNotifications are a Fascinating feature in iOS 10. It has:-
Push Rich notification. Use service extension(Notification Service extension) for default view and use Notification Content extension for make custom notification view. Make sure that notification payload contains: mutable-content = 1 in the aps dictionary. this contains all types of fun like Image, GIF, Audio, Video. Make sure that Image <= 10 MB, Audio <= 5 MB, Video <= 50 MB. . for silent notifications Make sure that notification payload contains: mutable-content = 1 in the aps dictionary. Also, Payload does n't contain Alert/Badge/Sound. Make Actionable Notifications by using Category.
Local Notifications . Use UNMutableNotificationContent for make notification. . schedule notification using UNCalendarNotification trigger, UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger. . Make Actionable Notiifciations by using Category.
P.S. - Make sure that Actionable Notification identifier should be identical. Put your bundle identifier and development team in General Tab. It also includes supports for multiple targets.