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Audio and video player, breakpoint resuming playback, record played time, free watching limit, etc. 🎷
- Support audio/video playback, midi file playback.
- Support online play and local play.
- Support background playback, audio extraction and playback.
- Support video side-by-side play, segmented download, play and store.
- Support breakpoint resuming and resuming playback, next time it is directly read and played from the buffer.
- Support cache management, clear time period cache.
- Support free look limit, automatically skip the opening and ending credits.
- Support recording the last playing time.
- Support auto play, auto continuous play.
- Support random/repeat/sequential playback.
- Support gravity sensor, full screen/half screen switch.
- Support basic gesture operation, progress volume, etc.
- Support lock screen.
- Long press to fast forward and rewind and other operations.
- Support double speed playback.
- Support switching between different resolution videos.
- Support live streaming media playback.