2 images
A magical image view! Once you set a URL, it will be a movie, or an Animated GIF, or an ordinary JPG, PNG, or even it can be an image in ALAssetsLibrary!
Supported types are
- .m3u8 for Movie (Streaming)
- .gif for Animated GIF (Remote Image)
- .png, .jpg for Image (Remote Image)
- assets-library:// for ALAsset Image
- .webp for WebP Image (Currently not supported)
So following URLs can be shown in same way, with KIChameleonView.
- http://content.viki.com/test_ios/ios_240.m3u8
- http://raphaelschaad.com/static/nyan.gif
- http://d37rcl8t6g8sj5.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/chain2.png
- http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2a/Junonia_lemonias_DSF_upper_by_Kadavoor.jpg
- assets-library://asset/asset.JPG?id=C3EB0F3D-6B13-463D-83B3-B2B42A6C47CF&ext=JPG