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Adoption of Readability algorithm which works on iOS and OSX and is capable of clearing the messy HTML document (e.g. site) into nice and readable page. Rework of GGReadabilityParser found here: https://github.com/curthard89/COCOA-Stuff/tree/master/GGReadabilityParser
The main idea is all about making webpage readable on a mobile device. The parser has enough options to provide you, given an ordinary webpage URL or contents, HTML document with clear markup which contains only the main article contents. There is also an option to download and embed images so you can use the document fully offline, loading it into WebView.
The basic concept was found in Curtis Hard`s repo (https://github.com/curthard89/COCOA-Stuff/tree/master/GGReadabilityParser) and it was greatly improved with new features: iOS compatibility (thanks to HTMLReader project), new clearing options, image download option, CSS selectors instead of XPath, ARC, performance optimizations.